Updated for 2015: Tool Displays By Locality the Share of Potential ACA Federal Marketplace Enrollees That Signed Up

An interactive tool from the Kaiser Family Foundation is now updated with 2015 data, allowing users to view on a local level the share of potential enrollees who signed up for a health plan in a federally-based marketplace under the Affordable Care Act.

With Mapping Marketplace Enrollment, users can also compare the number of potential and actual enrollees – and the percentage that signed up for a plan — in 2014 and 2015 within 100,000-resident statistical geographical areas associated with a zip code.

A Foundation analysis of the data shows areas with very high or very low enrollment as a share of the potential market in 2014 tended to display similar patterns in 2015. Some of the most significant growth in the percentage signing up took place in parts of Florda, Indiana, and Pennsylvania. Among areas with available data, Detroit, Mich., was the only one to see a decrease in the share of potential enrollees selecting a plan.

The tool uses data from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey. Potential enrollees for the marketplaces are people who were uninsured or buying their own insurance before the ACA went into effect, who are not eligible for Medicaid or employer coverage, who are not in the coverage gap and who are citizens or authorized immigrants.

For more Health Reform resources, please visit kff.org.


Amy Jeter
(650) 854-9400
Craig Palosky
(202) 347-5270
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