New Data Spotlight Tracks Rising Enrollment in Medicare Advantage Plan

A new brief from the Kaiser Family Foundation documents the continuing climb in Medicare Advantage plan enrollment, even at a time when payments to such plans are being reduced under the Affordable Care Act. Despite spending reductions enacted in the ACA to reduce historical overpayments to Medicare Advantage plans, from March 2013 to March 2014 enrollment in Medicare Advantage plans grew by 9 percent, or 1.4 million people, to reach a total of 15.7 million Medicare beneficiaries. The Medicare Advantage 2014 Spotlight: Enrollment Market Update highlights that 30 percent of the Medicare population is now enrolled in such plans, up from 24 percent in 2010, and analyzes trends in Medicare Advantage enrollment, premiums, out of pocket limits, prescription drug coverage and related topics. Other key findings include:

The full analysis is available online, as are the Foundation’s updated Medicare Advantage fact sheet and our latest spotlight on Medicare Advantage plan availability and premiums.

Also available is the Foundation’s newly updated interactive Medicare Health and Prescription Drug Plan Tracker, where users can monitor trends in enrollment, market penetration and other topics for Medicare Advantage plans since 1999 and stand-alone Medicare drug plans since 2006 by state, county and other sub-state geographies.

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KFF: for trusted information on the health issues facing the nation and its people. The Kaiser Family Foundation is a nonprofit organization based in Menlo Park, California.


Chris Lee
(202) 347-5270
Craig Palosky
(202) 347-5270
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