A Comparison of the Seventeen Approved Katrina Waivers January 1, 2006 Fact Sheet This fact sheet summarizes and compares seventeen states’ approved Medicaid waivers related to Hurricane Katrina evacuees.Fact Sheet (.pdf)
Resources on Medicaid Policy Changes in the Federal Budget Reconciliation Bill January 1, 2006 Issue Brief The Foundation's Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured has collected resources related to the Medicaid policy changes in the budget reconciliation law, Deficit Reduction Act of 2005.Deficit Reduction Act of 2005: Implications for MedicaidWest Virginia Medicaid State Plan Amendment: Key Program Changes and QuestionsKYHealth Choices Medicaid Reform: Key Program…
The Implications of a Loss in Public Health Coverage December 31, 2005 Event A new Health Affairs article and a policy brief examine the implications of cuts to public coverage programs like Medicaid and SCHIP. The Health Affairs article finds that Medicaid and SCHIP cuts would increase emergency department visits by the uninsured, suggesting that cost containment actions on public coverage programs would…
Medicaid and Budget Reconciliation: Implications of the Conference Report December 31, 2005 Issue Brief Medicaid and Budget Reconciliation: Implications of the Conference ReportThis issue brief provides an overview of the federal budget context and then highlights key Medicaid savings proposals in the budget reconciliation conference bill and discusses the implications of the proposed changes. Issue Brief (.pdf)
Paying for Nursing Home Care: Asset Transfer and Qualifying for Medicaid December 31, 2005 Issue Brief Paying for Nursing Home Care: Asset Transfer and Qualifying for MedicaidThis snapshot presents key facts on who relies on nursing home services and highlights research findings on asset transfer and its impact on Medicaid eligibility.Issue Brief (.pdf)
What Happens When Public Coverage Is No Longer Available? December 30, 2005 Issue Brief This policy brief examines national data to determine the share of current enrollees of public health coverage programs who would have alternate coverage options if public coverage were no longer available. The authors estimate that no more than 9 percent of low-income adults would have access to an alternative source…
Overview of House and Senate Budget Reconciliation December 13, 2005 Fact Sheet This fact sheet summarizes the Medicaid and Medicare provisions in the House and Senate approved budget reconciliation bills. Fact Sheet (.pdf)
Resources on Dual Eligibles and Issues Related to Their Transition to the New Medicare Drug Benefit December 1, 2005 Event With the new Medicare prescription drug benefit available as of January 1, 2006, over 6 million low-income seniors and people with disabilities who are enrolled in both Medicaid and Medicare—also known as dual eligibles—have been transitioned from Medicaid drug coverage to new Medicare drug plans. While there are many policy…
An Implementation Perspective on Part D, the Medicare Prescription Drug Program November 30, 2005 Report This focus group of 12 state Medicaid officials conducted in November 2005 explores the current status and likely results of the Part D dual eligible transition efforts as well as other Part D-related issues of particular importance to states. It includes discussion of the transition of dual eligibles from Medicaid…
Medicaid and Budget Reconciliation: Implications of the House and Senate Bills November 30, 2005 Issue Brief This issue brief provides an overview of the federal budget context and then highlights key Medicaid savings proposals in the House and Senate bills and discusses the implications of the proposed changes. Issue Brief (.pdf)Updated Issue Brief – Medicaid and Budget Reconciliation: Implications of the Conference Report (January 2006)