Generation How Young People Use the Internet for Health Information November 30, 2001 Report The Internet has become a daily part of life especially for younger Americans. Teens as well as adults are now going online to look for health information. What exactly are young people looking for? Do they trust what they find? Is it influencing what they talk about with their peers,…
Medicaid and Managed Care November 30, 2001 Fact Sheet This fact sheet provides an overview of the Medicaid program’s increasing reliance on managed care to deliver services. Fact Sheet
Trends in Health Plans Serving Medicaid — 2000 Data Update November 30, 2001 Report An updated study follows trends in commercial health plan participation in Medicaid managed care and includes new analyses on the performance of Medicaid-dominated and commercial plans on measures of effective care and access to care, and on the extent to which plans restrict their Medicaid service areas.
Women’s Health Data Book: A Profile of Women’s Health in the United States November 30, 2001 Fact Sheet The Women’s Health Data Book: A Profile of Women’s Health in the United States, offers the latest data and trends on the wide range of health issues that affect women across their life spans. Published by the Kaiser Family Foundation and the Jacobs Institute of Women’s Health, the Data Book…
Understanding the Effects of Direct-to-Consumer Prescription Drug Advertising November 1, 2001 Report Direct-to-consumer prescription drug advertising, particularly television advertising, has grown rapidly in the last few years. This nationally representative survey examines how consumers who are shown specific television prescription drug ads respond to such ads: what information they retain, what actions they predict they will take, and their views about this…
Prescription Drug Trends: A Chartbook Update November 1, 2001 Report This November 2001 Chartbook updates data from last year’s chartbook, including information about prescription drug coverage, expenditures and prices, utilization, drug promotion, and the pharmaceutical industry.
The Future of Retiree Health Benefits: Challenges and Options October 30, 2001 Event Tricia Neuman, Vice President and Director of the Medicare Policy Project testified before the House Subcommittee on Employer-Employee Relations on retiree health coverage for older Americans. The statement describes the health needs of aging adults and the importance of health insurance coverage at a time in their lives when they…
Assessing the Status of California’s Physician Workforce: Shortage or Surplus? — Issue Brief October 1, 2001 Issue Brief Assessing the Status of California's Physician Workforce: Shortage or Surplus? — Issue BriefA 4-page issue brief that looks at recent estimates of California's present and future physician supply, various issues that affect the state s physician workforce, and approaches for ensuring an adequate number and mix of primary care and…
COBRA Coverage for Low-Income Unemployed Workers October 1, 2001 Fact Sheet Summarizes the COBRA health coverage law, how it is administered, what its limitations are, and how it impacts low-income workers. Fact Sheet
Health News Index – September/October 2001 September 30, 2001 Poll Finding Health News Index September/October, 2001 The September/October 2001 edition of the Kaiser Family Foundation/Harvard School of Public Health Health News Index includes questions about major health stories covered in the news, including reports about rising health insurance premiums and Americans most important sources for health news and information. The Health…