Headed Back To School in 2023: A Look at Children’s Routine Vaccination Trends July 31, 2023 Issue Brief This issue brief examines the most recent trends in children’s routine vaccinations, including COVID-19, and explores what to watch as children head back to school this year.
KFF Survey of Medicaid Unwinding April 12, 2024 Poll Finding KFF’s survey examines adults who had Medicaid coverage in early 2023, just before states resumed eligibility checks and disenrollments after pandemic-era protections ended. Nearly a quarter (23%) of adults who say they were disenrolled from Medicaid since early 2023 report being uninsured now. Overall, 19% of adults who had Medicaid prior to the start of unwinding say they were disenrolled at some point in the past year.
Explaining Litigation Challenging the ACA’s Preventive Services Requirements: Braidwood Management Inc. v. Becerra May 15, 2023 Issue Brief This brief explains the preventive services coverage requirements, the basis of the Braidwood Management Inc. v. Becerra lawsuit, next steps in the litigation, and the potential implications.
Marketplace Insurers are Proposing a 7% Average Premium Hike for 2025 and Pointing to Rising Hospital Prices and GLP-1 Drugs as Key Drivers of Costs August 5, 2024 News Release ACA Marketplace insurers are proposing a median premium increase of 7% for 2025, similar to the 6% premium increase filed for 2024, according to a new KFF analysis of the preliminary rate filings. Insurers’ proposed rate changes – most of which fall between 2% and 10% – may change during…
Medicaid State Fact Sheets August 14, 2024 Interactive What percentage of people are covered by Medicaid in your state? Our State Medicaid fact sheets provide a snapshot with key data for Medicaid in every state related to current coverage, access, and financing, as well as a politics section for each state.
While Medicare Drug Price Negotiations Don’t Apply to Private Insurance, 3.4 Million People with Employer Coverage Take at Least One of the Selected Drugs August 14, 2024 News Release Among the 167 million people with employer-sponsored insurance in 2022, 3.4 million used at least one of the first 10 drugs identified for Medicare price negotiations.
Forward or Backward on the Uninsured? April 25, 2024 From Drew Altman In this column, KFF President and CEO Drew Altman looks back at the remarkable progress made in expanding coverage for the uninsured and what it could mean politically for today’s remaining uninsured—a population that has had little clout historically and will command even less attention now.
The Shifting Sands for State Medicaid Programs Lurking in Our Data February 12, 2024 From Drew Altman KFF President and CEO Drew Altman examines the coming squeeze on state budgets and state Medicaid programs, stemming from declining federal matching funds, weakening state revenues, and competing state priorities, and the challenges it poses for states seeking to strengthen their programs and try innovative new approaches.
How Did Medicaid Renewal Outcomes Change During the Unwinding? August 21, 2024 Blog This policy watch uses unwinding data collected through KFF’s Medicaid Enrollment and Unwinding Tracker to examine how national-level renewal outcomes changed over the course of unwinding, including changes in the share of people who had their coverage renewed or were disenrolled from Medicaid each month.
What are the Recent Trends in Employer-Based Health Coverage? December 22, 2023 Issue Brief This chart collection presents analysis of data from recent Annual Economic and Social Supplements (ASEC) of the Current Population Survey (CPS) to examine who among non-elderly people has employer-sponsored insurance and which workers are offered and eligible for coverage at their current jobs.