The U.S. & The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria December 3, 2024 Fact Sheet This updated fact sheet examines the U.S. role in the Global Fund, an independent, multilateral financing entity that raises significant new resources to combat HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis (TB), and malaria in low- and middle- income countries.
Key Global Health Positions and Officials in the U.S. Government February 5, 2025 Fact Sheet This fact sheet identifies key U.S. government global health positions and officials.
The Impact of HIV on Women in the United States December 16, 2024 Fact Sheet This factsheet provides an overview of the impact of HIV on women in the U.S.
The U.S. Government and Global Tuberculosis Efforts November 18, 2024 Fact Sheet This fact sheet explains the U.S. government’s role in addressing the global tuberculosis epidemic, including the history of U.S. involvement and funding trends.
Overview of President Trump’s Executive Actions on Global Health February 5, 2025 Fact Sheet This guide provides an overview of executive orders and other executive actions made by the Trump Administration since January 21, 2025 that directly address or affect U.S. global health efforts. This resource identifies each executive action, describes its purpose and actions taken, and outlines the implications and what happens next for each. The resource will be updated as needed.
The U.S. Government and Global Health October 15, 2024 Fact Sheet This fact sheet provides an overview of U.S. government global health policy and engagement.
The Impact of HIV on Hispanic/Latino People in the United States October 15, 2024 Fact Sheet In the U.S., Hispanic/Latino people have been disproportionately affected by HIV since the epidemic’s beginning, and that disparity has deepened over time. Hispanic/Latino people represent a larger share of HIV diagnoses and people estimated to be living with HIV relative to their population size. This fact sheet provides an overview of the impact of HIV on Hispanic/Latino people in the U.S.
The U.S. Government and Global Neglected Tropical Disease Efforts October 29, 2024 Fact Sheet This fact sheet examines the U.S. government’s role in addressing neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) worldwide.
KFF Dashboard: Progress Toward Global HIV Targets in PEPFAR Countries September 13, 2024 Interactive This dashboard monitors progress being made to address the HIV/AIDS epidemic in countries where PEPFAR operates. It includes data for 54 countries and tracks progress against 6 different indicators.
The Impact of HIV on Black People in the United States September 9, 2024 Fact Sheet Black people in the U.S. have been disproportionately affected by HIV since the epidemic’s beginning, and that disparity has deepened over time. Black people account for more new HIV diagnoses, people estimated to be living with HIV, and HIV-related deaths than any other racial/ethnic group in the U.S. This fact sheet provides an overview of the impact of HIV on Black people in the U.S.