KFF Health Tracking Poll September 2024: Support for Reducing Prescription Drug Prices Remains High, Even As Awareness of IRA Provisions Lags September 13, 2024 Poll Finding More than two years ago President Biden signed into law Medicare drug pricing provisions in the Inflation Reduction Act. KFF’s September Health Tracking Poll examines voter’s views on these provisions and finds that large majorities of voters are unaware of the provisions despite reporting support for them.
Allowing Medicare to Negotiate Drug Prices Remains Broadly Popular Among Voters, Though Most Are Unaware of the Law and Its Projected Savings September 13, 2024 News Release Allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices on behalf of older Americans remains broadly popular across partisans, though many voters are unaware of the new law and the billions of dollars it is expected to save in 2026, a new KFF Health Tracking Poll finds.A large majority (85%) of voters say…
State Abortion Policies Affect Care for Pregnancy Loss September 12, 2024 Quick Take Many physicians fear criminalization if state authorities challenge whether their patients qualify under the narrow and vague exceptions in state bans.
The Efficacy of a New Long-Acting Injectable PrEP September 12, 2024 Quick Take The news today about the efficacy of a new long-acting injectable PrEP, the second such breakthrough announcement in recent months, is nothing short of groundbreaking.
Again, No Medicaid September 12, 2024 From Drew Altman In his latest column, KFF President and CEO Drew Altman explains why Medicaid, despite former President Donald Trump’s silence on the topic, warrants greater attention given the potential for drastic changes or cuts to it should Republicans win control in the election.
Vaccine Misinformation Spreads as Children Head Back to School — The Monitor September 12, 2024 Page This edition highlights vaccine hesitancy and misinformation around MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) vaccines as children return to school and measles cases resurge in parts of the U.S. It also examines emerging narratives around COVID-19 vaccine misinformation following the FDA approval of COVID-19 boosters and false claims linking mpox to the vaccines.
Debate Discussion of Health Costs Was Mostly Absent September 11, 2024 Quick Take Tuesday night’s presidential debate provided many memorable quotes including one from former President Trump when he was asked about his replacement plan for the Affordable Care Act (ACA) or Obamacare. Trump responded that he had “concepts of a plan” to replace the ACA but included no additional information on what…
The “Concept of a Plan” President Trump Proposed to Replace the ACA September 11, 2024 Quick Take When asked in the debate whether he had a replacement plan for the Affordable Care Act, former President Donald Trump said he had the “concepts of a plan.” If you look at Trump’s record as president, there is truth in that statement. He did, in fact, propose the concept of…
Medicare Advantage Quality Bonus Payments Will Total at Least $11.8 Billion in 2024 September 11, 2024 Issue Brief In 2024, federal spending on Medicare Advantage bonus payments will total at least $11.8 billion, as nearly three-quarters of enrollees are in a plan that received bonus payments. The average bonus payment is higher for employer plans and lowest for special needs plans, raising questions about the implication of the quality bonus program for equity.
Youth Firearms Deaths Are on the Rise in the U.S. September 10, 2024 Quick Take The start of school was marked by deadly shootings at schools in Georgia and Maryland. Firearms are the leading cause of death among children and adolescents in the U.S.