Takeaways From Alaska’s Medicaid Expansion July 16, 2015 News Release In his latest column for The Wall Street Journal’s Think Tank, Drew Altman discusses the implications of the governor of Alaska’s decision to move ahead unilaterally with Medicaid expansion. All previous columns by Drew Altman are available.
What New Data Tell Us About Doctor Choice February 4, 2016 News Release Is choice of doctors eroding? Drew Altman explores the rhetoric versus reality and why the issue resonates with Americans, in his latest column for The Wall Street Journal’s Think Tank. All previous columns by Drew Altman are online.
Facing the Fallout From a King v. Burwell Ruling June 19, 2015 News Release With a Supreme Court decision on King v. Burwell looming, Drew Altman’s latest column for The Wall Street Journal’s Think Tank plays out the politics of a ruling for the two major parties. All previous columns by Drew Altman are available.
King v. Burwell and Media Coverage June 2, 2015 News Release In his latest column for The Wall Street Journal’s Think Tank, Drew Altman lays out the news media’s challenge covering the upcoming Supreme Court King v. Burwell decision about the Affordable Care Act. All previous columns by Drew Altman are available online.
Public Split On What to Do About the Health Care System, Though More Support Building on ACA Than Repealing It, Replacing with a GOP Alternative, or Creating a Single Payer Plan February 25, 2016 News Release Following Flint Water Crisis, Nearly Half Worry about Their Community’s Water Supply Almost Half of Public is Concerned about a Widespread Zika Outbreak in U.S. This Year The latest Kaiser Health Tracking Poll finds the public as divided as the remaining presidential candidates over their vision for the future of…
Medicare-for-All vs. Single Payer: The Impact of Labels February 25, 2016 News Release In his latest column for The Wall Street Journal’s Think Tank, “Medicare-for-All vs. Single Payer: The Impact of Labels”, Drew Altman uses new polling on a Medicare-for-all or single payer health system to explain how what you call a health reform plan can substantially affect the public’s response. All previous…
New Analysis Suggests ACA Marketplace Enrollment Could Grow Modestly Over Next Few Years, up to 16.3 Million Sign-Ups, 14.7 Million Enrollees after Attrition March 4, 2016 News Release A new analysis from the Kaiser Family Foundation finds that sign-ups in Affordable Care Act marketplace plans could continue to grow modestly over the next few years to 16.3 million (up 28%), based on the experience of the top-performing states. Assessing ACA Marketplace Enrollment examines factors that may have kept…
Is There a Health Care Vote? More for Democrats and Women than Other Groups March 23, 2016 News Release About One Third of Americans Perceive Wide-Scale Effort to Limit Women’s Reproductive Health Choices and Services; Most Who Do Say the Effort is a ‘Bad Thing’ Health care is one of many issues that will be important for voters in the presidential election, particularly for Democrats and women, finds the…
The Affordable Care Act After Six Years March 23, 2016 News Release In his latest column for The Wall Street Journal’s Think Tank, Drew Altman examines the role of the Affordable Care Act in the health system on its sixth anniversary, and how the hot debate about the law may have created an exaggerated impression of the good and the bad it…
Insurer Competition, Monthly Premiums Could Be Affected in Some Markets if UnitedHealth Group Exits ACA Marketplaces April 18, 2016 News Release A withdrawal by UnitedHealth Group from the Affordable Care Act (ACA) marketplaces in 2017 could have a significant impact on insurer competition and premiums in some markets, though it would have a minimal effect on the average benchmark premium nationwide, according to a new analysis from the Kaiser Family Foundation.…