Medicare Spending and Use of Medical Services for Beneficiaries in Nursing Homes and Other Long‐Term Care Facilities: A Potential for Achieving Medicare Savings and Improving the Quality of Care September 30, 2010 Report Medicare Spending and Use of Medical Services for Beneficiaries in Nursing Homes and Other Long‐Term Care Facilities: A Potential for Achieving Medicare Savings and Improving the Quality of Care This report documents the relatively high rates of hospital stays, emergency room visits and skilled nursing facility admissions among long-term care…
What Does the Election Mean for Health Reform and Other Health Issues? November 12, 2010 Event How the new health reform law is implemented, and how quickly, depend in part on the results of the November 2 election. Now that the leadership of the House will soon change hands, what might Republicans do with respect to health reform? How might Democrats respond? Apart from reform, how…
Building an Information Technology Foundation for Health Reform: A look at Recent Guidance and Funding Opportunities January 1, 2011 Issue Brief The major coverage provisions in the Affordable Care Act (ACA) go into effect in January 2014 with an expansion of Medicaid eligibility to nearly all individuals under 138% of poverty and new subsidies for individuals with incomes between 138% and 400% of poverty to purchase coverage in newly established Health…
Boomers Come of Age: Covering Early Retirees and Other 50-64 Year-Olds January 24, 2011 Event The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act contains provisions that can help workers age 50-64 if they lose their jobs and their employer-sponsored health benefits, such as incentives for employers to maintain retiree benefits. This briefing, cosponsored by the Alliance for Health Reform and AARP, answered many questions about provisions…
The Public’s Health Care Agenda for the 112th Congress January 1, 2011 Poll Finding Though the public remains divided on health reform overall, opposition to the new law ticked upward in January as Republicans ramped up efforts to repeal it, according to a survey conducted by researchers from the Kaiser Family Foundation and the Harvard School of Public Health. The survey also showed that…
Coverage and Care Pathways for People with HIV: A New Baseline August 29, 2017 Issue Brief This issue brief provides a snapshot of access to health care for people with HIV today as a marker for gauging coverage changes going forward.
The Medical Bill Score: How the Public Judges Health Care October 3, 2017 Perspective In an Axios column, Drew Altman discusses how the public “scores” major health proposals like Graham-Cassidy or single payer, and proposes a “Medical Bills Score” for health.
Poll: 7 in 10 Want the Trump Administration to Make the Affordable Care Act Work Rather Than Make it Fail October 13, 2017 News Release As the Trump administration begins implementing Thursday’s executive order aimed at providing alternatives to the Affordable Care Act’s marketplace plans, a new Kaiser Health Tracking Poll finds a large majority of the public (71%) want President Trump and his administration to do what they can to make the current law…
As Senate Weighs Bipartisan Stabilization Bill with Cost-Sharing Reduction Funding, Current Marketplace Enrollees Face Challenges with Affordability October 18, 2017 News Release Knowledge and Awareness of Key Facts Regarding Enrollment Is Low As the Nov. 1 start of the Affordable Care Act’s open enrollment period nears, new polling data from the Kaiser Family Foundation finds that most potential enrollees are unaware of when they can enroll and have not seen any related…