National Survey of Public Opinion on Welfare: Views of Americans With or Without Welfare Experience February 27, 1995 Poll Finding National Survey of Public Opinion on Welfare: Views of Americans With or Without Welfare ExperienceA report from the Kaiser-Harvard program on the Public and Health/Social Policy on differences in opinions of Americans with welfare experience compared with those without such experience on the welfare system and welfare reform. This report…
The New American Electorate and Health Reform January 30, 1995 Poll Finding An analysis of the electorate and health reform that considers how American voters’ values influenced their support or opposition toward health reform proposals and how those attitudes shifted over the course of the debate.
Managed Care and Low-Income Populations: A Case Study of Managed Care in Tennessee January 1, 1995 Report TennCare represents one of the most ambitious state-level efforts to restructure Medicaid and expand insurance coverage to the uninsured. The case study shows that the rapid change caused considerable confusion for patients, providers, and health plans. The TennCare experience provides early insights into the issues that states will face as they move to enroll more of their low-income populations into managed care arrangements.
Survey on Public Knowledge and Attitudes on Contraception and Unplanned Pregnancy in the U.S., Canada and the Netherlands December 30, 1994 Poll Finding The three separate random-sample telephone surveys of adults ages 18 and older living in the United States, Canada, and the Netherlands, designed by the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation in association with Louis Harris and Associates, Inc and conducted in 1995. The surveys were conducted to assess differences in public…
The Implications of Past Medicaid Spending Growth for Future Debates December 30, 1994 Report This paper analyzes the rapid growth in the Medicaid program during the 1988 – 1992 period. It also explains the dramatic slowdown on growth that occurred in 1993 and suggests a likely course of Medicaid expenditure increases over the remainder of the decade.Report: The Implications Of Past Medicaid Spending Growth…
Kaiser Family Foundation 1995 Survey of Obstetrician/Gynecologists On Contraception and Unplanned Pregnancy December 30, 1994 Report Attitudes And Practices With Regard To Abortion Conducted by Fact Finders, Inc. of Albany, New York, this 1995 survey on contraception and unplanned pregnancy concerned Obstetrician/Gynecologists’ attitudes and practices regarding the issues.
National Survey of Public Knowledge of Welfare Reform and the Federal Budget December 30, 1994 Poll Finding Survey Shows “Two Faces” Of Public Opinion On Welfare Reform Americans Support Time Limits and Tough Work Requirements, But Reluctant to Abandon Those In Need Public Defines Welfare Broadly Understands Key Details of Welfare Programs Embargoed for release: 9:00 a.m. EST, Thursday, January 12, 1995 For further information contact: Matt…
Managed Care And Low-Income Populations: A Case Study of Managed Care in Tennessee December 30, 1994 Report This case study describes the first year’s experience of Tennessee’s initiative, TennCare. The TennCare experience provides early insights into the issues that states will face as they move to enroll more of their low-income populations into managed care arrangements.
Managed Care And Low-Income Populations: A Case Study of Managed Care in Oregon December 30, 1994 Report To gather early insights and timely information for state and federal policymakers concerning how the movement to managed care is affecting the poor and their access to care, the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation and The Commonwealth Fund are jointly sponsoring case studies and population surveys in California, Minnesota, New…
The Changing Composition of Health Insurance Coverage in the United States December 30, 1994 Report This paper analyzes changes in insurance coverage that have occurred at the national level between 1988 and 1994.Report: The Changing Composition Of Health Insurance Coverage In The United States