Kaiser Polling Data Note Finds Regional Differences in Views of Health Reform Law November 18, 2010 Perspective Based on the November Kaiser Health Tracking Poll, the latest KFF data note examines regional differences in Americans’ views of the new health reform law. Although many states in the American South and West stand to be disproportionately eligible for federal funds under the new law, the analysis finds that…
The Future of U.S. Multilateral Engagement on Global Health: What’s the Right Balance? November 16, 2010 Event This November 16, 2010, webcast features an expert panel exploring the future of U.S. multilateral engagement on global health. It is part of the Foundation’s U.S. Global Health Policy: In Focus series.
Snapshots: Health Benefit Offer Rates and Employee Earnings November 15, 2010 Issue Brief Employer-provided health insurance is the primary source of insurance coverage in the United States, covering almost 160 million people.1 About 90 percent of the non-elderly privately-insured population is covered by employer-sponsored plans, meaning that employer decisions about whether to offer health benefits will influence overall rates of insurance coverage in the…
What Does the Election Mean for Health Reform and Other Health Issues? November 12, 2010 Event How the new health reform law is implemented, and how quickly, depend in part on the results of the November 2 election. Now that the leadership of the House will soon change hands, what might Republicans do with respect to health reform? How might Democrats respond? Apart from reform, how…
Physician Workforce: The Next Generation November 10, 2010 Event The new health reform law poses questions about how the increase in the insured population will affect the demand on the health care workforce. Will it increase the shortage among primary care physicians? What about specialists? How much of the workforce shortage can be alleviated by payment incentives in the…
Non-Voters and Health Reform: Indifference and Confusion Over the New Law November 10, 2010 Perspective The latest Kaiser Health Tracking Poll assessed the role health reform played in voters’1 decisions in the midterm elections and the public’s overall mood towards the health reform law. This blog post focuses on a different group, people who say they are not registered or did not vote in last…
Pulling it Together: The People Behind The Entitlement Debate November 9, 2010 Perspective Well before we have any clarity on the impact of the election on health reform, the pundits are handicapping the prospects of efforts to make a serious dent in the national debt and deficit. Three national commissions are hammering out recommendations for reducing the debt and reining in entitlement spending,…
Kaiser November Tracking Poll Finds Health Care a Factor in Congressional Election, But Not a Dominant One November 9, 2010 Perspective This month’s Kaiser Health Tracking Poll, conducted during the four days following the mid-term election, asked voters in an open-ended question to name in their own words the biggest factors influencing their vote for Congress, and found that health care was a factor, but not a dominant one. Among all…
West vs. South: Regional Differences in Views of the Health Reform Law November 1, 2010 Poll Finding This Data Note examines regional variations in public opinion of the health reform law based on the November 2010 Kaiser Health Tracking Poll. The analysis takes a special look at the Western and Southern regions of the country, where many states are likely to see the biggest increases in coverage…
Health Reform and the Tea Party Movement October 30, 2010 Poll Finding With much media discussion of the role that the Tea Party will play in the upcoming Congressional midterm elections, this data note takes a closer look at Tea Party supporters using the most recent Health Tracking Poll data from September. While 57 percent of voters who do not support the…