Medigap Reforms: Potential Effects of Benefit Restrictions on Medicare Spending and Beneficiary Costs July 20, 2011 Report As part of several debt-reduction and Medicare-reform proposals, some policymakers propose to prohibit Medicare supplemental insurance policies (known as Medigap) from covering all of enrollees’ out-of-pocket Medicare costs, which some believe leads to higher use of services and higher Medicare spending. Such changes would expose Medigap enrollees – currently about…
The Innovation Center: How Much Can It Improve Quality and Reduce Costs – and How Quickly? July 18, 2011 Event The new Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (CMMI) seeks to test new health care payment and service delivery models that can potentially enhance quality of care for beneficiaries while reducing costs. How is the agency planning to administer its $10 billion in funding? What early projects is the center…
Raising Medicare’s Age of Eligibility to 67 Would Achieve Significant Savings, But Shift Costs To 65- and 66-Year-Olds, Other Individuals, Employers and Medicaid, New Analysis Shows July 18, 2011 News Release Study Estimates Two in Three People Ages 65 and 66 Would Pay $2,200 More On Average For Health Care in 2014 Than They Would If They Remained in Medicare MENLO PARK, Calif. — Raising Medicare’s eligibility age from 65 to 67 in 2014 would generate an estimated $5.7 billion in…
Raising the Age of Medicare Eligibility: A Fresh Look Following Implementation of Health Reform July 18, 2011 Report Several major deficit-reduction and entitlement reform proposals include raising Medicare’s age of eligibility from 65 to 67 as a way of improving Medicare’s solvency. This Kaiser Family Foundation report estimates the expected effects of such a change on the federal budget, as well as on affected seniors’ out-of-pocket costs, employers,…
Pulling It Together: Writing Regulations July 18, 2011 Perspective Not since Geraldo Rivera revealed the secret contents of Al Capone’s vault on national TV in the mid-80s, or more recently, sports fans awaited the LeBron James “decision” about where he would play next, have we so anxiously awaited anything as much as the draft health exchange regulations just published…
What is a Mini-Med Plan? July 5, 2011 Perspective One of the early insurance market changes in the Affordable Care Act (ACA) phases out caps that some insurance plans impose on the annual dollar amount of benefits they will cover. Plans issued or renewed after September 23, 2010 cannot have annual limits of less than $750,000, and the threshold…
An Overview of Changes in the Federal Medical Assistance Percentages (FMAPs) for Medicaid July 1, 2011 Issue Brief The joint federal-state financing of the Medicaid program works through a matching mechanism known as the Federal Medical Assistance Percentage (FMAP). This mechanism determines the federal and state shares of Medicaid costs based on a state’s per capita personal income relative to the national average. While the FMAP formula has…
Provider Payment And Access To Medicaid Services: A Summary of CMS’ May 6 Proposed Rule July 1, 2011 Issue Brief This brief summarizes the major provisions of a rule proposed by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services that would set forth state requirements for ensuring access to care in state Medicaid programs. It would apply to fee-for-service Medicaid, but not to Medicaid managed care programs. The public comment period…
A Brief Look at Americans’ Perceptions of the Global HIV/AIDS Epidemic July 1, 2011 Poll Finding This Data Note, using data from a national survey of Americans on HIV/AIDS released in June 2011, examines trends in the public’s perception of HIV/AIDS as a global problem. Overall, survey trends show that Americans view HIV/AIDS as a more pressing health problem for the world than for the U.S.,…
Explaining Health Reform: Uses of Express Lane Strategies to Promote Participation in Coverage July 1, 2011 Issue Brief Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), millions of uninsured adults and children will gain eligibility for Medicaid or health coverage through new health insurance Exchanges beginning in 2014. The law calls upon states to develop simple and streamlined processes for establishing, verifying, and updating eligibility for Medicaid,…