White House Launches Initiatives Examining Correlation Between Climate Change, Public Health
ABC News: Obama says Climate Change’s Impact On Health Is Personal for Him
“…The science of climate and its effect on health is indisputable, the president said. … [ABC News’ chief health and medical editor, Dr. Richard] Besser’s interview with the president comes on the heels of a White House announcement earlier in the week setting out a series of initiatives to deal with the impact of climate change on the well-being of Americans…” (Neporent, 4/8).
Associated Press: Obama says climate change is harming Americans’ health
“Global warming isn’t just affecting the weather, it’s harming Americans’ health, President Barack Obama said Tuesday as he announced steps government and businesses will take to better understand and deal with the problem…” (Lederman/Pickler, 4/7).
Washington Post: The White House wants to explore how climate change makes you sick
“President Obama launched an initiative Tuesday aimed at highlighting the connections between climate change and public health, bringing both medical and data experts to the White House this week…” (Eilperin, 4/7).
The KFF Daily Global Health Policy Report summarized news and information on global health policy from hundreds of sources, from May 2009 through December 2020. All summaries are archived and available via search.