U.S. Treasury Official Signals Trump Administration’s Intention To Withdraw Funding For Global Agriculture And Food Security Program
Foreign Policy: Treasury Takes Aim at Global Food Security Program
“The Treasury Department said this week it would withdraw U.S. funding from a program created by the Obama administration meant to boost food security in the world’s poorest countries. The Global Agriculture and Food Security Program, or GAFSP, was formed after the G20 summit in 2009. The Obama administration drove the program’s creation and saw it as important part of the ‘Feed the Future’ initiative meant to answer the global food price crisis in 2008…” (Allen-Ebrahimian, 11/10).
Newsweek: The Trump administration is choosing to starve poor people
“…The U.S. has been the program’s biggest donor, providing a third of its total expenditures to date. But not anymore. ‘[The] U.S. is not expecting to make any future contributions,’ Treasury Undersecretary for International Affairs David Malpass said in written testimony to the House Financial Services Committee on November 8. ‘[GAFSP] should be wound down, with donors exploring options to return future reflows to donors.’ Experts said the U.S. pullout is a recipe for disaster because food security programs stop famine, war, and instability…” (Ballesteros, 11/12).
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