Speaking at the second Sub-Saharan and Argentinean Agriculture Ministers Meeting in Buenos Aires, Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) Director-General José Graziano da Silva “stressed the importance of South-South cooperation to advance agricultural development in developing countries, adding that this collaboration can also help end hunger in the African continent,” the U.N. News Centre reports. Da Silva, one of the meeting co-chairs, “noted that cooperation between Latin America and Africa could be mutually beneficial for the regions as they share similar challenges as well as geographic, climate and social characteristics,” the news service writes (8/21). At another meeting in Nairobi, Kenya, which ended on Wednesday, “U.N. Climate Change Coordinator for Africa Richard Munang said there was a need to increase food production to feed the population without exerting pressure on the continent’s ecosystem,” VOA News reports. “The event organizers and participants have called for joint efforts from the international community, governments and farmers to work together to increase food production and also integrate food security and sustainable agriculture into continental and international policies,” the news service notes (Yusuf, 8/21).

The KFF Daily Global Health Policy Report summarized news and information on global health policy from hundreds of sources, from May 2009 through December 2020. All summaries are archived and available via search.

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