U.N. Global Compact On Migration Can Create ‘Common Vision Of How To Make Migration Work’
The Guardian: Migration can benefit the world. This is how we at the U.N. plan to help
António Guterres, secretary general of the United Nations
“…This year, governments will negotiate a global compact on migration through the United Nations. This will be the first overarching international agreement of its kind. …[I]t is an unprecedented opportunity for leaders to counter the pernicious myths surrounding migrants, and lay out a common vision of how to make migration work for all our nations. … In setting a clear political direction about the future of migration, I believe that three fundamental considerations should guide discussions of the compact. The first is to recognize and reinforce the benefits of migration, so often lost in public debate. … Second, states need to strengthen the rule of law underpinning how they manage and protect migrants — for the benefit of their economies, their societies, and the migrants themselves. … Third and finally, we need greater international cooperation to protect vulnerable migrants, as well as refugees, and we must reestablish the integrity of the refugee protection regime in line with international law. … This year’s global compact can be a milestone on the road to making migration truly work for all” (1/11).
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