News agencies report on the worsening food crisis in South Sudan, as the United Nations calls for increased donor efforts to fight potential famine.

Agence France-Presse: U.N. warns of world inaction as South Sudan famine looms
“Top U.N. aid chiefs have begged donors to increase efforts to stave off looming famine in South Sudan, where a third of the population are in crisis after months of war. Nearly a million children aged under five face acute malnutrition, the World Food Program (WFP) and U.N. children’s agency UNICEF said in a joint statement released late Friday, after their top directors visited the impoverished nation…” (7/26).

U.N. News Centre: U.N. warns of ‘hunger catastrophe’ for South Sudanese children
“Two United Nations humanitarian agencies today called for action to stop a potential famine in South Sudan which they said is being allowed to happen, just as it occurred in Somalia and the Horn of Africa three years ago…” (7/25).

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