Opinion Pieces Denounce Trump Administration’s Expanded Mexico City Policy
Rewire: Trump-Pence Administration’s Neocolonial Assault on Reproductive Freedom Is Killing African Women and Girls
Hayley Farless, writer, researcher, and reproductive justice advocate
“…Trump’s expanded global gag rule … impose[s] U.S. control over African financial resources and exploit[s] the power of United States global health aid to enforce anti-choice restrictions upon African bodies. It superimposes U.S. policy upon African laws — even countries where abortion is legal without restriction are subject to global gag rule stipulations. It undermines the success that African researchers, health care workers, volunteers, and communities have achieved in building health care infrastructure and making quality care more accessible for their fellow citizens. Trump’s expansion of the global gag rule leverages U.S. wealth as a weapon against African health. Make no mistake — this administration has revitalized colonial tactics of power to intrude upon the sexual and reproductive autonomy of African women and girls” (1/23).
The Hill: The global gag rule does nothing to protect life
Margaret Huang, executive director of Amnesty International USA; and Serra Sippel, president of the Center for Health and Gender Equity (CHANGE)
“…The global gag rule does nothing to protect life. Make no mistake about it: The global gag rule costs lives. It is not rooted in any kind of sound science or medical principles. It has not been found to reduce the incidence of abortion. In fact, it has been associated with an increase in abortion rates. … In short, the rule jeopardizes all of those whom its proponents claim they wish to help. … If President Trump continues to ignore the evidence and will not rescind the rule, then Congress must take action. The Global Health, Empowerment, and Rights (HER) Act — introduced with bipartisan support — would end the global gag rule for good. Organizations, hospitals, and clinics around the world would be free to give their clients — particularly women and girls — the health care and counseling they deserve. Whether through executive or legislative action, it’s time for the dangerous and harmful global gag rule to come to an end once and for all” (1/23).
Ms. Magazine: The Global Gag Rule Still Matters
Elspeth Williams, associate director of policy and government relations at the Population Council
“…For women and girls who often lack access to birth control and have little autonomy over whether and when they have sex, the global gag rule is yet another devastating way of preventing women and girls from determining their own futures. … Now is the time to advance, not retreat, our support for reproductive rights globally. Foreign aid to empower women and girls is not about charity, but about equality and justice. Worldwide, women and girls are depending on the United States — the world’s leading global health donor — to continue the leadership we’ve shown for decades. The global gag rule is a blight on this country that hinders progress for women and girls worldwide. We cannot continue to base family planning policy on ideological whims instead of proven evidence. Whether in our own backyard or beyond our borders, we cannot allow bad policy and funding cuts to cost women and girls their lives” (1/23).
The KFF Daily Global Health Policy Report summarized news and information on global health policy from hundreds of sources, from May 2009 through December 2020. All summaries are archived and available via search.