NPR: An Experiment Gives Cash Aid To The Poor. Is That Ethical?
“…At issue is a plan by the U.S. charity GiveDirectly to give an extra $22 a month to every adult in as many as 200 impoverished villages across Kenya [and compare the results over 12 years to a …] group of as many as 100 similar villages that won’t get the cash aid. … Is it moral for experimenters to bestow a benefit on one group of people and not another? And what are the risks of unintended negative consequences — creating lasting income inequalities between villages, for instance, or even fueling tensions between the residents? … We spoke with several experts on ethics and poverty research — as well as with GiveDirectly’s director Paul Niehaus — about how they navigate the challenge…” (Aizenman, 9/13).

The KFF Daily Global Health Policy Report summarized news and information on global health policy from hundreds of sources, from May 2009 through December 2020. All summaries are archived and available via search.

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