“Ahead of the inaugural Cell/The Lancet translational medicine conference ‘What Will It Take To Achieve An AIDS-Free World?,’ to be held in San Francisco, Calif., on November 3-5, Cell, The Lancet, and the Lancet Infectious Diseases [on Monday published] a set of new reviews and comments analyzing the changing landscape of HIV/AIDS research,” a Lancet press release states. The Lancet published two reviews, one by Myron Cohen of the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill and colleagues, and another by Steven Deeks of San Francisco General Hospital and colleagues, the press release notes. The Lancet Infectious Diseases also published two reviews, one by David Clifford and Beau Ances from Washington University, and another by Judith Currier and Jordan Lake from the David Geffen School of Medicine in Los Angeles, according to the press release. Finally, in a comment published in both Cell and The Lancet, Anthony Fauci and Hilary Marston of NIAID “highlight the transformation that the field of HIV/AIDS has undergone since AIDS was first recognized in 1981,” the press release states (10/22).

The KFF Daily Global Health Policy Report summarized news and information on global health policy from hundreds of sources, from May 2009 through December 2020. All summaries are archived and available via search.

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