“Haiti and the Dominican Republic will require $2.2 billion over the next 10 years for an ambitious plan to eliminate cholera, an official from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC] said Wednesday,” the Associated Press/NewsOK reports. “The plan is due to be rolled out in a week or two and it outlines a government-led effort backed by the CDC, the Pan American Health Organization and UNICEF,” though it is “still unclear who will pay for what would be the biggest endeavor yet to develop Haiti’s barely existent water and sanitation system,” the news service writes (Daniel/Mendoza, 11/29).

“The government will ask for more than $500 million for the next two years in a short-term emergency response to the epidemic,” and “[a]nother $1.5 billion or so will be requested for the following eight years to eliminate the disease,” the Guardian notes. “While this plan will call on funds from private donors, corporations, [non-governmental organizations] and international bodies, many victims and activists believe the U.N. must take a greater responsibility because its personnel are likely to have brought the cholera to Haiti,” the newspaper writes (Watts, 11/29).

The KFF Daily Global Health Policy Report summarized news and information on global health policy from hundreds of sources, from May 2009 through December 2020. All summaries are archived and available via search.

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