Doctor Who Worked In Guinea Diagnosed With Ebola In New York City
News outlets report on the case of Craig Spencer, a physician who treated Ebola patients in Guinea with Médecins Sans Frontières and was diagnosed with the disease at Bellevue Hospital in New York City on Thursday after returning from Africa one week earlier.
The Hill: New York doctor tests positive for Ebola
“A New York City doctor who recently treated Ebola patients in West Africa has tested positive for the disease, city and state officials announced Thursday…” (Sullivan/Ferris, 10/23).
New York Times: Doctor in New York City Is Sick With Ebola
“…The doctor, Craig Spencer, was rushed to Bellevue Hospital Center and placed in isolation at the same time as investigators sought to retrace every step he had taken over the past several days…” (Santora, 10/23).
Reuters: Doctor with Ebola in New York hospital after return from Guinea
“…Mayor Bill de Blasio and Governor Andrew Cuomo sought to reassure New Yorkers they were safe, even though Spencer had ridden subways, taken a taxi, and visited a bowling alley between his return from Guinea and the onset of his symptoms…” (Wulfhorst/Malo, 10/24).
Wall Street Journal: New York Doctor Tests Positive for Ebola
“…Dr. Spencer had come into close contact with only four people since he returned from Africa on Oct. 17 through John F. Kennedy International Airport, authorities said. All four — two friends, a cabdriver, and his fiancée — are healthy, officials said, but the friends and fiancée are being quarantined though they showed no symptoms…” (Dawsey et al., 10/24).
Washington Post: New York physician who worked in Guinea tests positive for Ebola
“President Obama pledged federal support to New York on Thursday night after a New York physician tested positive for Ebola days after returning to the United States from the epicenter of the epidemic in West Africa…” (Dennis et al., 10/24).
The KFF Daily Global Health Policy Report summarized news and information on global health policy from hundreds of sources, from May 2009 through December 2020. All summaries are archived and available via search.