“To promote development in India, [USAID] is increasingly pushing small-scale and low-cost innovation there,” Devex reports, adding, “One of these affordable solutions is Project Vikalp, an integrated family planning e-health care model by the U-Respect Foundation that aims to bring about high contraceptive prevalence rates among India’s populous rural communities” and one of “nine winners of this year’s Millennium Alliance Awards, co-funded by [USAID].” The news service interviews U-Respect Foundation President Arundhati Char about “her organization’s award-winning project, named after the Hindi term for ‘alternative.'” According to the interview transcript, Char reflects on what makes Project Vikalp different from other programs, examines “some overlooked development problems in India which could benefit from Project Vikalp,” and discusses whether “the advantages of mobile technology [have] been adequately exploited in India” (Morden, 7/18).

The KFF Daily Global Health Policy Report summarized news and information on global health policy from hundreds of sources, from May 2009 through December 2020. All summaries are archived and available via search.

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