Congressional Approval Of Global Food Security Act Would Help Efforts To End Hunger, Extreme Poverty
Huffington Post: 5 Reasons to Pay Attention to the Global Food Security Act
Katie Lee, policy manager at InterAction
“…[H]ere in the United States, there is an opportunity for Congress to act in the fight against global hunger, malnutrition, and extreme poverty. Passing the Global Food Security Act (HR 1567, S 1252) is our chance. Here are five things you need to know about this important piece of legislation: 1. The GFSA codifies a whole-of-government strategy for U.S. global food and nutrition security. … 2. The GFSA codifies a comprehensive U.S. global food and nutrition security strategy. … 3. The GFSA establishes congressional oversight and reporting requirements. … 4. The GFSA promotes country ownership and sustainability. … 5. The GFSA does not include food aid reform…” (10/19).
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