Broader Efforts Could Reduce Premature Deaths By 40% Over Next 20 Years, Study Says
News outlets report on a study published in The Lancet showing a 40 percent reduction in premature deaths is possible over the next 20 years.
TIME: Early Deaths Could Fall By 40% in the Next 20 Years
“According to researchers writing in The Lancet, we’re doing a good job of reducing the number of premature deaths — those occurring in people under 70. And if current trends continue with some improvements, such early deaths should drop by 40 percent over the next two decades…” (Oaklander, 9/19).
VOA News: Renewed International Efforts Could Prevent Premature Adult Deaths
“…A paper by [University of Oxford epidemiologist Richard Peto] and 16 international co-authors found that other development goals — reducing maternal mortality and fighting AIDS, malaria, and other infectious diseases — cut premature death among adults by one-sixth [from 2000 to 2010]. Now, he said, if the world begins an intense effort to further eliminate preventable causes of death, including injuries, we could see a steeper decline…” (Berman, 9/19).
The KFF Daily Global Health Policy Report summarized news and information on global health policy from hundreds of sources, from May 2009 through December 2020. All summaries are archived and available via search.