The following blog posts discuss the recently released 2014 Aid Transparency Index (ATI).

Center for Global Development’s “Rethinking U.S. Development Policy”: MCC Tops U.S. Government in Aid Transparency Again
Sarah Rose, senior policy analyst with CGD, discusses the fourth annual ATI, noting, “…This year MCC ranks third (out of 68 global donors), down a couple of slots from last year’s chart-topping performance, but far ahead of other U.S. government agencies, all of which are solidly middle-of-the-pack…” (10/8).

Humanosphere: Aid donors way behind in meeting transparency commitments
Development blogger Tom Murphy writes about the index, stating, “…Overall, aid donors are showing signs of improvement. But the majority are a long way off from meeting their commitments to publish using the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) standards by the end of 2015, says Publish What You Fund, the transparency watchdog that produced the report…” (10/8).

Oxfam America’s “The Politics Of Poverty”: The aid transparency index is out — how did the U.S. do?
David Saldivar, a policy and advocacy adviser on Oxfam America’s Aid Effectiveness team, examines how U.S. agencies and programs ranked in the ATI. He writes, “…For some U.S. foreign assistance agencies, the new index documents progress and achievement in fulfilling the U.S. government’s commitment to make aid more transparent. … Of course there’s room for improvement…” (10/8).

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