Medicaid and American Indians and Alaska Natives
Issue Brief
Office of Minority Health, Profile: American Indian/Alaska Native Profile,
National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Division of Violence Prevention, Suicide: Facts at a Glance (2015), (Atlanta, Georgia: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 2015),
Edward Fox and Verné Borner, Health Care Coverage and Income of American Indians and Alaska Natives: A Comparative Analysis of 33 States with Indian Health Service Funded Programs, for Tribal Affairs: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, (2012),; Ed Fox, Health Care Reform: Tracking Tribal, Federal, and State Implementation, Tribal Affairs Group, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, (May, 20, 2011); and Government Accountability Office, Indian Health Service, Health Care Services Are Not Always Available to Native Americans, GAO-05-789 (Washington DC: Government Accountability Office, August 2005),
“Requirements – Priorities of Care,” Purchase/Referred Care (PCR), Indian Health Service,
Section 1905(b) of the Social Security Act (third sentence).
This 100% federal matching rate is separate from the 100% federal matching provided to the “newly eligible” ACA expansion population and will remain in place when the 100% federal matching rate provided for all new eligibles begins to phase down.
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, op cit.
Indian Health Service, Department of Health and Human Services, Justification of Estimates for Appropriations Committees, (Washington, DC: HHS, FY 2015),; Indian Health Service, Department of Health and Human Services, Justification of Estimates for Appropriations Committees, (Washington, DC: HHS, FY 2018),
Jessica Bylander, “Propping Up Indian Health Care Through Medicaid,” Health Affairs 36, 8 (2017):1360-1364,
Deborah Bachrach, Patti Boozang, Anne Karl, and Kier Wallis, Repealing the Medicaid Expansion: Implications for Montana, (Los Angeles, CA: Manatt, March 2017),