12. Well now I’m going to read a list of reasons why some people say teenagers have sex. For each one, please tell me if you think this is often a reason, sometimes a reason, or hardly ever a reason teenagers have sex. (First), (Insert item. Rotate items.) — how often is this a reason?

Often a reason Sometimes a reason Hardly ever a reason DK Ref.
a. Because they think they are ready to have sex 55 38 6 1 * Boys 51 42 6 1 0 Girls 59 35 6 * * Has Had Sex 71 26 3 0 0 Not Yet Had Sex 48 43 8 1 0
b. Because they want to be popular 42 41 16 1 * Boys 42 43 15 1 0 Girls 41 40 18 1 * Has Had Sex 43 41 15 * 0 Not Yet Had Sex 41 41 17 1 0
c. Because the (boy/girl) they’re with is pressuring them 41 39 19 1 * Boys 23 44 33 1 0 Girls 61 34 5 * * Has Had Sex 38 40 22 * 0 Not Yet Had Sex 43 38 18 * 0
d. Because they don’t want people to tease them for being a virgin 41 40 19 * * Boys 43 41 15 1 0 Girls 38 39 22 1 * Has Had Sex 42 37 20 0 0 Not Yet Had Sex 40 41 18 1 0
e. Because they’re just curious about it 41 44 14 1 * Boys 40 42 17 1 0 Girls 42 47 11 * * Has Had Sex 50 40 11 0 0 Not Yet Had Sex 38 46 16 1 0
f. Because they want to be loved 36 48 16 * * Boys 28 52 19 1 0 Girls 45 42 13 * * Has Had Sex 49 43 14 0 0 Not Yet Had Sex 33 49 17 1 0
g. Because movies and TV shows make it seem like it is normal for teenagers to have sex 34 42 23 1 * Boys 36 43 20 1 0 Girls 32 40 27 1 * Has Had Sex 32 40 28 * 0 Not Yet Had Sex 35 42 21 2 0
h. Because someone forces them to have sex against their will 22 53 24 1 * Boys 19 48 32 2 0 Girls 26 59 14 1 * Has Had Sex 23 55 22 * 0 Not Yet Had Sex 22 52 25 1 0
13. Have you yourself ever had sexual intercourse?

Total Boys Girls Has Had Sex Not Yet Had Sex
Yes, had intercourse 29 33 25 100 0 No 70 66 73 0 100 Not sure/Don’t know * 1 * 0 0 Refused 1 1 2 0 0
14. Do you think either of your parents knows you have had sex? You don’t have to say which parent, just say yes if you think either one does.

Based on those who have had sexual intercourse. (n=497)

Total Boys Girls
Yes 65 61 69 No 32 35 29 Don’t know 3 4 2 Refused * * 0
15. Whenever you have had sex, have you or the (boy/girl) you were with used birth control all the time, most of the time, only sometimes, or not at all?

Based on those who have had sexual intercourse. (n=497)

Total Boys Girls
All the time 48 53 42 Most of the time 24 18 31 Only sometimes 15 14 17 Not at all 11 12 9 Not sure/Don’t know 1 2 0 Refused 1 1 0
16. Which of the following are reasons you sometimes don’t use birth control — just say “yes” or “no” for each one. (First), (Insert item. Rotate items) — is this a reason for you?

Based on those who have had sexual intercourse and did not use birth control all the time.

Yes No DK Ref.
a. You can’t always plan ahead for when you’re going to have sex 66 34 * 0 (n=252) Boys 62 39 0 0 Girls 70 29 1 1
b. (You/the girl you’re with) (don’t/doesn’t) like the side effects of certain kinds of birth control 33 65 2 0 (n=253) Boys 29 67 3 0 Girls 37 63 1 0
c. The (boy/girl) you’re with doesn’t want to use birth control 30 70 * 0 (n=253) Boys 27 73 * 0 Girls 32 68 0 0
d. Birth control interrupts the moment 30 69 1 0 (n=253) Boys 27 72 1 0 Girls 33 66 1 0
e. Sex doesn’t feel as good with birth control 29 70 1 0 (n=253) Boys 31 69 1 0 Girls 27 72 1 0
f. You feel sure (the girl you’re with/you) won’t get pregnant if you risk it once in a while 28 71 1 0 (n=253) Boys 31 67 2 0 Girls 25 75 0 0
g. You can’t afford birth control 12 87 * 1 (n=253) Boys 10 90 * 0 Girls 14 84 0 2
h. It’s too embarrassing to talk about birth control with the (boy/girl) you’re with 10 90 0 0 (n=253) Boys 12 88 0 0 Girls 8 92 0 0
i. (You/the girl you’re with) (want/wants) to have a baby 7 92 1 0 (n=253) Boys 9 90 2 0 Girls 6 95 0 0
j. You or the (boy/girl) you’re with (don’t/doesn’t) know how to use birth control 7 93 * 0 (n=253) Boys 11 89 * 0 Girls 3 97 * 0
17. I’m going to read the list of birth control methods one more time. I want you to tell me which of these you or the (boy/girl) you were with have used most often by saying “yes” when I get to that method. If you use two methods at a time, you can say yes twice. Have you most often used (Insert item)?

Respondents read abstinence and each method that they said they knew “a lot” or “a little” about in Q.23. Based on those who have had sexual intercourse and have used birth control.

Total Boys Girls
Condoms 87 88 86 Birth control pills 41 44 38 Withdrawal 15 16 14 Depo Provera (the shot) 6 4 8 The rhythm method (safe time of the month) 5 6 3 Norplant (implants) * * 1 Some other method 2 2 1 Don’t know * * 0 Refused 0 0 0 (n=418)
Total exceeds 100% due to multiple responses.

18. If girl: Have you ever taken a pregnancy test? (If yes: How many times have you done this?)

If boy: As far as you know, has any girl ever taken a pregnancy test because she thought you got her pregnant? (If yes: How many times has this happened?)

Based on those who have had sexual intercourse.

Total Boys Girls
Once 16 12 21 Two times 6 4 9 Three times 3 1 6 Four times 2 3 1 Five or more times 1 * 2 No/Never 68 77 55 Don’t know 1 1 2 Refused 3 2 4 (n=497)

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Survey on Teens and Sex: What They Say Teens Today Need to Know, And Who They Listen To:
Press Release Survey Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Chart Pack

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