Women’s Health Policy: Contraception

Women’s Health Policy: Contraception

Latest Findings on Employer-Based Coverage of Contraception
This memorandum provides background on the issue of contraceptive coverage and presents new findings from the soon to be released Kaiser/HRET 2002 Annual Survey of Employer-Sponsored Health Benefits.


8164_Cover.jpgWomen’s Health Care Chartbook
The Women’s Health Care Chartbook, based on a national survey of women ages 18 to 64, includes data on insurance coverage, affordability of and access to care, use of health care services, prevention and family health.

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An informative booklet on preventing unintended pregnancies, HIV and AIDS and other STDs. This brochure was produced by the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation as a project of the Foundation and MTV. Medicaid: A Critical Source of Support for Family Planning in the United States – UPDATE — April 2005
The Alan Guttmacher Institute and the Kaiser Family Foundation have updated this issue brief to provide an overview and analysis of the important role that Medicaid plays in financing family planning services to low-income women across the nation. Women’s Health Policy: Comparison of the Candidates’ Proposals — September 2004
Elections 2004: Women’s Health Policy: Comparison of the Candidates’ Proposals Health Care and the 2004 Elections: Women’s Health Policy — September 2004
Emergency Contraception in California — February 2004
This survey examines awareness of and experiences with emergency contraception among Californians, including findings on the state’s new “pharmacy access” program. Emergency Contraceptive Pills — February 2004
This fact sheet is an update on emergency contraception (EC). It includes information on EC methods, safety and side effects, and access issues. The fact sheet also provides information women’s knowledge and use as well as health care provider attitudes and practices. Women’s Access to Care: A State-Level Analysis of Key Health Policies (Briefing and Materials) — July 2003
State policies play a critical role in shaping women’s access to health care. With authority over several important policy issues and the power to legislate, regulate, and enact programs that address women’s needs, state policymakers have tackled several issues of impor… Women’s Health Care Providers’ Experiences with Emergency Contraception — June 2003
This survey snapshot is an update on women’s health care providers’ experiences with emergency contraception (EC). It provides information on prescribing practices and counseling for EC and views on increasing access to EC. National Survey of Women’s Health Care Providers on Reproductive Health: Emergency Contraception — June 2003
The Kaiser Family Foundation’s 2001 National Survey of Women’s Health Care Providers on Reproductive Health is a national random-sample survey of 790 physicians, including 595 obstetrician and gynecologists and 195 family practice physicians, internists, and general pra… Health News Index – March/April 2003 — April 2003
The Health News Index measures public attention to and knowledge about leading health stories covered in the news in February and March. The Health News Index is designed to help news media and people in the health field gain a better understanding of which health stori…